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Sunday, May 15, 2011


While I was looking around on the internet for a good book to read, I came across this quote:

"The great thing to remember is that though our feelings come and go, God's love for us does not," -C.S. Lewis

Wow. This quote hit a home run for me. Today at church we sorta talked about this. We talked about how you can be having a great day, how you can be on top of the world and your to-do list and even be feeling pretty close with God. Doing what He calls you to do and maybe even be reaching out to others. Rolling with the punches. All in all, things couldn't be better.

But then something happens and your world crashes.

It could be anything from a legit reason or something really dumb. Which most of the time it is. Something dumb as in irrelevant and small compared to your totally good day with God. Maybe it is a bad grade or some rude comment somebody made at work or maybe it is something somebody didn't do that you were expecting. Anyways, it makes your world crash. You don't feel like doing anything. You just don't care anymore. But, of course, the question sorta rises out of nowhere; how could something so small ruin what you thought was pretty strong?

I don't know the answer.

But I do know that it's okay, in one sense. It's not what we do that "makes" God love us--it's not how good (or how bad) of a day we are having. It's not just how much our world has crumbled. That's not the point at all. It doesn't depend on us. Perhaps this world crashing experience is unavoidable or perhaps its an expression of just how much things are messed up inside. Maybe it happens to everybody, maybe it doesn't. The point though; God still loves us. God still loves us when we let something silly breech our time and our affections towards Him.

He loves us even when we turn away. He loves us. Even though things turn our boat upside down, He is always there loving us. Not loving us back, but just loving us.

That is what gives me a whole lot of peace.

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